
The collaboration between Nigel and me has led to extensive written material on all aspects of spiritual dreamwork. In November 2011 we made available a manual in English for members of Nigel's and my own Zurich dream groups:

Nigel Hamilton and Ursina Fried-Turnes: A Spiritual Perspective on Dreams and Waking Dream Work: Manual for Dreamers and Dream Workers. Zurich and London, 2011 (209p., Offset Printing).


From this manual a book for the general public has developed and was published in July 2014:
Nigel Hamilton: Awakening Through Dreams. The Journey Through the Inner Landscape, Karnac, London 2014.


My new book, describing my own dream-path as a guideline for other dreamers, has appeared in January 2016 (in German):
Ursina Fried-Turnes: Deine Träume - Wegweiser zum Erwachen. Ein Traum-Reiseführer, in J. Kamphausen, Bielefeld, 2016.

The following link gives some more information: